Kirkland & Ellis LLP presents
Retooling Retail: Trends, Strategies, & Pitfalls
Friday, February 23, 2024
9:00 AM–9:50 AM ET
Terrace Room
As companies and consumers weather the effects of higher rates and sticky inflation, the retail industry looks poised to remain in the headlines for restructuring and liability management this year. This panel will discuss some of the largest retail filings in 2023 (e.g., Bed Bath & Beyond and Rite Aid) and provide an outlook for the sector in the early part of 2024 and beyond. We will hit the most significant challenges and opportunities for retailers and market participants, as well as some key pitfalls best avoided. Interplay with other distressed industries like commercial real estate will also be covered.

David Kurtz
Vice Chairman and Chief Strategic Officer
Hilco Global

Marc Liebman
Managing Director
Alvarez & Marsal

Hon. Brendan L. Shannon
United States Bankruptcy Judge
District of Delaware

Andrew Sorkin
Latham & Watkins LLP

Emily Geier
Partner, Restructuring
Kirkland & Ellis LLP